Sunday, September 30, 2007

24 Hour Comic Day-will you try it? 10/20/2007

Hey, are you going to join the creators all over the country on October 2oth for 24 Hour Comics Day? Find a location near you or start one up. But just do it!
I'm going to film a friend of mine Clint Basinger who is going to do it! Well, try and do it. I'll post the video up here after the event. Wish him luck!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Backseat Drivers- #1-4 Cosmic Moustache Comics

Clint Basinger is the artist, writer and publisher of Cosmic Moustache Comics. His first series is Backseat Drivers. #1-4 tells the complete story so you really need to get them all. You'll be introduced to some very strange characters with some very strange powers. The art is wonderful and reminds me of comics of the 60's like ZAP Comics mixed with more modern works like Mark Martin's Gnatrat. But really you just have to see it for yourself. The story is hard to follow at first but just stay with it and some of it will come clear eventually. There are lots of funny bits here and there and it totally doesn't take itself seriously and that is where the fun lies. You never know what is going to happen next! Totally unexpected adventure yarn. Get these books now, before everyone discovers Clint's work and buys them all up! He has some new comics in the works such as "The Cosmic Norseman versus The Unbelieveable Laundry Detergent Man, Electric Ninja Punks and Lobster Tales. (5 out of 5) Highly original work here.
Get the COSMIC-PACKAGE: All 4 comics, A T-Shirt and a Sketch shipped for $20.00
Or get a T-Shirt shipped for $12.00, or get a Cosmic Moustache for only $5 with the purchase of 2 or more comics get a Moustache for $3. Or just the comics for $3 each. Anyway write to Clint at: Clint Basinger/10404 Campground Road/Lewisport, KY 42351 or email him: or check out this link:

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

delicate AXIOM #1-Richey K. Chandler

delicate AXIOM #1-Richey K. Chandler
Digest, slick production, color covers, black and white interiors. 36 pages. No price on book.

From the back of the book:
Ken hasn't been the same since he and his friend Abdul witnessed the death of their buddy Jericho.

Ken's girlfriend, Ramani, is doing her best to keep things together. Her old friend Sherilyn is bending over backwards to help out, as is the slightly odd Julie.

Meanwhile a stranger is trying to track down Ken and Ramani, and a fortune cookie delivers an important message....

The story is called Fortune Cookies & Lamingtons. The art is very unique and tells the story very well. Nice use of blacks and the characters are all distinguishable. Backgrounds also nicely done. The cover is very nice with a splattered background that carries over to the back of the book. Nice design there. The story was very well done and what seems to be just a nice little everyday tale turns out to be much more. Surprise is the name of the game here and we get sucked into the story so that when some items come to light we are still drawn in. Some of this was like being in a dream at times. You almost felt like you were floating through the story. Everything is nicely done here and I highly recommend this to anyone. (5 out of 5 stars)

Get a copy by going to:
also email for more info:

Restorf's ROCKING RUDES #1

Restorf's ROCKING RUDES #1. Full color covers, 15 pages, 1/2 in color, 1/2 black and white. Full size comic.

Well Oliver Restorf-Thomsen is from Germany and he illustrated and wrote this comic. He wrote me a nice letter explaining how this was a very rushed project and how it was a mixture of his web comic work and his more detailed work. Well I'm sorry to say that I couldn't really tell much difference and it all looked a bit crude to me. I think the front page introducing the characters was the best part for me. He clearly had a vision for the look of the characters but couldn't pull it off after that. I do see a spark of talent here in the art. The writing must be lost in translation as it is in English and I can read it, though it still makes little since to me. This is where I tell him to continue working on his drawing skills every day. He is young and will progress. I just know it. The writing on the other hand will take more work. ComiXpress did a very nice job with the printing. The coloring looks good and I did like the Yellow Submarine tribute page very much.

(2 our of 5 stars) Keep on keeping at it!

Check out his web comic at:
Get a copy by going to and try

Cornelia Cartoons #5- Dangerous Bird Productions

Cornelia Cartoons #5- Dangerous Bird Productions by Kel Crum. 6" x 6" booklet with color covers and 16 black and white interior pages. 5 short stories here. The first one is the longest: A Corenlia Story "Cause and Effect" by Kel Crum. This is the best of the batch and we find Corny (Cornelia) looking for a group to join. She finally ends up with The Protest Gypsies who have A.D.H.D. so switch to a new cause each week. As with most of Kel's stories there is a moral hidden in there someplace, if you can find it. This is good fun and has it's moments of heaviness which keeps you reading not knowing what to expect next. Some very strange characters along the way helps keep your interest. The art is loose and rough in parts but clearly the story is the main focus here. I liked the ending as well. The other tales are Cornelia at a book store and another one where she gets her 15 minutes of fame which is a nice "what if" story. There is a Ed Thud Story that sort of left me cold. Not sure where Kel is coming from with his Ed stories....if I read enough of them I'm sure it'll make more sense. And the last story is another Cornelia Story where she is verbally sparring with a door-to-door salesman. Another good short tale. (3 stars out of 5) I'd rate these higher if the art was more polished but the stories alone are well worth the $1.50 here.

$2.00 ppd from: Kel Crum, 32 W. Goodman Dr. Apt 23, Fairborn, Ohio 45324

Monday, September 10, 2007

Ka-Whump! #3 on the way!

News Release:
Ka-Whump #3 is IN THE BAG! The issue is all done and on it's way to the printers! This issue features 48 pages of small press bliss including a new column by Allen Freeman, a 4 page wrap up of the San Diego Comic Con International, our look at the women of small press (including an interview with Shawnti Therrien), over 65 reviews of current small press releases, a GAGGLE of small press news (including Rick Olney's response to Tim Tobolski's comments in KW #2 and a heartfelt look at the passing of Michael Roden), Comics from the usual gang, Wade Busby's comic con survival guide with art by Dan Taylor and Richard Krauss, letters, ads, ramblings and more all wrapped up in a beautiful Sonia Leong cover (with back cover by Shawnti!).

send $3.50 plus $1.00 p&h to get your copy!
Make check or money payable to :

Robert L. Sumner
311 N. Widow Creek Rd

Otis, OR. 97368

Or Paypal $4.50 (postage included) to And while you're at it, stop by and join in the fun on the forums!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Conelia Cartoons #9-Dangerous Bird Productions

Cornelia Cartoons #9 is a 7" square black and white comic with 18 pages. $2.00.

A Conelia Story "Sic Transit Cornelia" starts out simple enough with Cornelia at a small press comic show. She strikes up a friendship with a comic geek writer and one thing leads to another and before the story is over...oh, you'll just have to read it for yourself.....I don't want to give anything away. The fun is in the surprises. And this story keeps them coming. There are a few small bits that makes this a PG-13 story to my surprise and not sure those small parts were that needed to move the story along. The art is very simple and a bit on the amateurish side but the story more than makes up for it. This appears to be a small little story but takes you in big directions. Bravo to Kel and now I'm eager to see all his other comics! (3 out of 5 stars) Nice to see a long story that has a beginning, middle and end.

Get the info on ordering at: or email him at: