Saturday, October 24, 2009

Things Undone - Shane White (NBM Publishing)

Things Undone was one of my best finds at APE this year. Yes, my first time to be at this show in San Francisco. Lots and lots of books to look at and this was my favorite, so that says one heck of alot! I must admit that I only found the book because Shane White the artist, writer, genius showed it to me at his booth, and I was at his booth because he and I go way back when we both worked at the gaming company his character in this book works at. Don't for a minute think that my opinon of this book was swayed due to the fact that I know Shane, and know he is a comic mastermind and artist extrodinare. No, I liked the book the minute I flipped through it. First of all it is mostly based on Shane's life and I love true stories. It is also about 20 percent fantasy (The zombie parts.) and I feel that this just brought his story to a more interesting avenue. I can't say enough for the art in this book. The way Shane can grab you and carry you along from panel to panel is masterful. His unique use of orange to shade the black and white line art is fantastic. But just because the art is very, very good, don't be fooled. The story is amazing. It takes you into the characters life and you "feel" for him. Let's just say things are not going well for this poor guy. I can't say enough great things about this book. You simply need to go to this link: buy the book today....and see for yourself.

I also shot a video interview with Shane and will post a link to this YouTube video once I've edited it and posted it there. Yes, Shane likes orange.

5 out of 5 stars!!!!! Read an interview with Shane White, see more about this book, with some comic pages here: And while you are at it, visit Shane's web site here:

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