I just received in the mail the massive 64 page mag size issue of Small Press EXTRA (SPE) #5 from TruFan Publications. I was one of the 10 lucky people to get a full color copy. That means not just color on the covers, but all the way though! Some snafu at the printer and they got 10 like this. I was lucky enough to snag one! Wow! I'm assuming everyone else gets full color covers, with black and white interiors. Still this is one fantastic small press review and news zine! And I'm borrowing this review from old time small presser (he is my age), Steve Keeter. (Until he tells me to take it down.) --AF
Just received my copy of SPE #5, and it is awesome. Cover to cover,
a stellar issue, beautifully laid out, loaded with info of interest
to your average small press maniac, great writing and great photos
and artwork throughout.
If you haven't guessed it by now, I really liked this issue!
The second part of the interview with Jim Main was the highlight, at
least for this old fan, as I greatly enjoy reading his thoughts on
small press history. Also, his plans for publishing are just
staggering, as is his amazing energy... especially considering the
problems he had with his health just a short time ago. The man is a
powerhouse, unstoppable, the best of the best, a true legend of
small press publishing.
Allen Freeman's unexpected (so soon after the event! Talk about
breaking news!) report on SPACE 2007, was very much appreciated,
very informative, and the pix were really nice. Dan Taylor seems
like a guy I'd like to meet (and hopefully will, next year, if I can
make it up there). Hey, is Larned Justin really short or is
the "unknown comic fan" just really tall? I see Tim Corrigan has
grown his hair out again...
It was good to see another take on MegaCon by Jim Pike. Really glad
that he did well with the Superior Man comics this year. He's
building a steady fan base, learning as he goes, (and I learned
quite a bit, this year, from listening to him recount his
experiences selling and promoting small press at the convention) and
can definitely include ol skeet in that list of fans.
Lovecraft! I'd heard about his participation in the amateur press
before, but you included an actual sample of his small press work!
And an intriguing text from one of his speeches. Great stuff!
Congratulations on outdoing yourself, o' Great and Mighty Gaffsam.
Looking forward to the next issue.
Send $2.50 plus some postage I assume, $2? Or get a 6 issue subscription for $15.
Or contact the guys at: TruFan Publications, 624 Metacom Ave., #103, Warren, RI 02885
(I give this mag 5 stars of course!)