I was waiting for my wife to get her hair done. It was to take one hour. After about 90 minutes of waiting, with the last 30 minutes in the car, I grabbed the mail that I'd not opened yet. To my surprise and happiness here was a review copy of 3-D Pete's STAR BABE INVASION Special. It looks like Mike Fisher did all this himself. Impressive. The articles and comics: "Devil Girl From Mars 1954", Classic Sex Symbol- Raquel Welch", "Two of the Best Places (to find Star Babes)", "How Well Will You Do ? (Great Galactic Matrix of Star Babeness Quiz)", "Gort, The Planet Dstroyer- Interview" and A FULL COLOR CENTER SPREAD!
Wow, I was having a blast reading all this. Great art of Roquel Welch, the "Devil Girl" strip, more great Star Babe art than you can shake a ray-gun at! Plus such learn about the girls of Lost in Space and Star Trek...whew.....I'm all sweaty just looking this over again....I need a cold shower and it's not even the end of the month yet.
Photos, articles, comics, and good girl art......pant, gasp.....just order it now before I have a heart attack!
(6 stars out of 5) How? I don't even know.
Here comes my wife. Just got the book finished. Stashed it under the car seat. This one's a keeper.
Contact Mike Fisher at: www.goofaman.com and fivefish@satx.rr.com
$5 gets the book and pays the shipping and keeps Mike off your back.....just do it. (Make Checks/Money Orders out to Mike Fisher) Send it to:
Star Babe Invasion, 510 Enchanted Way, San Antonio, TX 78260 (Or whatever is on that flyer up above. You did click on it, right?)
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